The official podcast of THE AQUAMAN SHRINE and FIRESTORM FAN
Episode 36 - The Phantom Stranger
Special Episode! Shag takes the week off and I welcome Special Guest Co-Host Chad Bokelman ("The Lanterncast") to discuss the history of one of our favorite DC Comics characters, The Phantom Stranger!
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I AM THE PHANTOM STRANGER - http://iamthephantomstranger.blogspot.com
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Intro theme, "That Time is Now," by Michael Kohler. Outro music by Daniel Adams and The Bad Mamma Jammas!
Thanks for listening! Fan the Flame and Ride the Wave!
Definitely the weirdest podcast to date, in that it barely touched on Firestorm or Aquaman and was deShagged. Good to see the Phantom Stranger and Ragman get the spotlight for a bit, but now I want to hear Shag and the dude who's doing that Blue Devil blog hijack their own episode.
My own introduction to the Phantom Stranger was through The Brave and the Bold #145 and his back-ups in The Saga of the Swamp Thing. While I have a soft spot for the Jim Aparo image, the Stranger's successive appearances dulled my interest in the character. He has to remain a stranger (I poo-poo a definitive origin,) which limits how deep you can go into the character, and forces him into the role of anthology host (or do what they're doing now, a familiar, grounded, demystified Phantom Stranger in name only.)
Since you kids stumbled upon my secret (it would have continued working too, if not for you pesky do-gooders,) all the silent clubhouse members of DC Bloodlines form Voltron-like into the pseudonym D.I.A.B.O.L.U. F.R.A.N.K., a nonsensical anagram derived from the letters of everyone's first names. Only that egotist Anj bucks the bunch by using his own handle. Seriously, "diabolu?" I'm amazed the ruse lasted this long.
This episode was a fun change of pace. Too much buzz in the background, though. I assume this was recorded on Chad's end, because his voice was much clearer than Rob's.
Needed more Green Lantern discussion, though. Dammit.
Actually, the show was recorded the same way it always is; I'm at a loss to explain why it sounded different. Sorry!
I actually record on a Samson Go-Mic. So that might somehow be the root cause of all of this. Also, my mic is always hooked up to my laptop as opposed to a desktop. Maybe the processing power has something to do with it? I'm just spitballing. And don't worry cynical, you want more Green Lantern, there's always the LanternCast! (or at least my spin off about GL/GA)
I have to admit, this was my first non-Who's Who Fire and Water podcast. I've been hesitant to listen because I'm not following DC's current output (sorry guys, I just can't do it). But the Phantom Stranger has always been a character I've been intrigued by, so I give it a listen. I really enjoyed it, and I think I'll go back and catch up on Fire and Water too.
I think I first met the Phantom Stranger in "To Kill a Legend" from Detective #500. Well, actually I first read that story in the DC "Best of" digest that year, and got the original version later. Phantom Stranger gives Batman the chance to save his parents in an alternate reality, how cool is that? That is actually one of my all-time favorite comics stories, maybe THE favorite, and Alan Brennert and Dick Giordano did stunning work with that one.
I did enjoy that Byrne/Giordano Stranger appearance in Action as well. Great stuff!
Not sure how I feel about this new 52 Stranger as you describe him, but I don't care for much of anything they are doing. I know, I'm a grumpy old guy now. I just think of it as an alternate universe and go on.
Great job guys. Interested in Chad's GL/GA blog as well. I need to check that out!
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