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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Ivan Reis "Others" Concept Art

This is some of Ivan Reis' concept art for "The Others" storyline, featuring Aquaman as he looked a few years in the past and what is an early version of Prisoner of War (before it was decided he should wear a hood). Whoever it is, these would make great model sheets for an action figure line. Just saying.

This piece (and a few more coming soon) were sent in by F.O.A.M.er Ivan da Costa. Thanks Ivan!


David J. Cutler said...

I was thinking again the other night about the infinitesimally small possibility of a DC direct Aquaman line, and what figures I could see myself picking up. I'm not so sold on the Others that I'd want to add them to my Aquaman collection, but young Aquaman in the armored pants and a couple Trench would be pretty cool.

Earth 2 Chris said...

A few years back, a DCD Aquaman line would be a given, due to its high sales. They've really cut back their output now, though.


The Irredeemable Shag said...

That Prisoner of War design will look good as an alternate costume for the eventual "Prisoner of War" ongoing series. Or perhaps this could be the costume for "Prisoner Lad" or "Young Prisoner".

The POW-verse is expanding!

The Irredeemable Shag