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Thursday, November 29, 2012

DCU Hot Wheels Display

While I was food shopping the other day, I spied this *awesome* stand-up display (also known in the business as a "dump", though I hate that term), featuring the newest line of DCU Hot Wheels cars.

We talked about the Aquaman Ford Ranchero back in August, but this display is new to the Shrine, and boy does it take me back to my childhood when companies used to do this sort of signage all the time. And check out the list of characters represented--Supergirl, Darkseid, Plastic Man, Batgirl, and Aquaman! Not a Superman or Batman anywhere to be seen! (I guess they didn't have room for the Riddler)

As useless as all these vehicles are for their respective characters, I think Darkseid's "Dream Van XCW" makes me giggle the most. I bet he makes DeSaad drive.


Michael Bailey said...

There has been a whole slew of DC related Hot Wheels cars lately. The big guns have gotten their own series. There have been a bunch of Batmobiles. And there is even another set in this style with Lex Luthor that I saw at Wal-Mart.

I managed to snag this entire set for about a bunch apiece at Kroger. They are rather neat if useless.

Jamdin said...

Cool display.

Jorge PR said...

Not sure how I feel about this... it's not like Arthur is in the best company there. Seeing him besides Supergirl, Plastic Man and Batgirl, you'd think of him definitely as a third-tie superhero.

Wings1295 said...

I think it's awesome that they have Aquaman featured so prominently! Cool!

r diuncan said...

That is awesome.

Diabolu Frank said...

I saw one of these a month or so back, but didn't have my phone to snap a pic, and it was gone the next time I visited Krogers. Too cool!

Earth 2 Chris said...

Kroger's seems to get in displays like this, and moves them REALLY fast. I saw a dump with the larger die-cast Batman vehicles one week...and the next week it was gone.

I dig the old school graphics on these. Too bad DC's editorial department doesn't think like their licensing arm...


signsdotcom said...

That is some great looking signage. I miss seeing things like this at the store.

collectededitions said...

That's astounding. It looks like a Super Friends/Super Powers-era Darkseid there.

misterperturbed said...

They were quite expensive in FAO Schwartz in NY. I suppose that is to be expected.