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Friday, November 02, 2012

Aquaman Art Gallery: John Trumbull

Great Neptune, do I love this piece!

This awwwwesome square-off between Aquaman and The Creature From The Black Lagoon is by my pal and F.O.A.M.er John Trumbull, who weekly delivers the goods for The Line it is Drawn on CBR. This week's theme was, of course, Halloween, and John brought to life a battle I've always wanted to see. Not only that, but the illustration itself is snazzy as hell--I love the lighting, the staging, the whole thing.

Go check out John's DeviantArt page to see more of his TLIID pieces. You'll be glad you did!


Wings1295 said...

Love it! So perfect!

Earth 2 Chris said...

It'd be over pretty quick if Aquaman can telepathically command the Creech, but still cool to see! Great piece!
