The NYCC did things a little differently this time--this year they put Artists Alley in its own building, the Northern Pavillion, which sort of gave it the feeling of a con within a con. Some people didn't like that arrangement, but I enjoyed it just fine--most of the people I wanted to see were in AA, so aside from some brief trips to the show floor in the main room, I pretty much got to see everything I wanted to without having to be crushed by massive crowds.
When I was on the show floor, I was happy to see Aquaman and Mera get such prominent placement at the DC booth:

While there were lots of Batmen, Wolverines, Poison Ivys, and Catwomen, I was really impressed by the diversity of a lot of the cosplay: I mean, how many times do you see people dressed as Animal Man, Dr. Mid-Nite, or Samurai?!?
I also got to meet (or see again) so many cool people not in costume: Paul Kupperberg, Bob Greenberger, Yildiray Cinar, Joe Staton, Ramona Fradon, Bill Walko, Ed Catto, Dan Parent, Chad Bokelman, Kevin Dilmore, Gene Hult, Randy Caldwell, Chuck Dill, John Trumbull, and Thom Zahler. I met a whole bunch of new people (new to me; they weren't infants), possessors of amazing talent: Brian Schirmer, Paul Guinan and Anina Bennett, Jonathan Case, Ming Doyle, and Erica Henderson to name a few. I ended up buying so many books and commissioning so many Ace Kilroy sketches that I had to hit the ATM every morning, lest I find myself with an empty wallet--which still nearly happened anyway!
I also got to meet (or see again) so many cool people not in costume: Paul Kupperberg, Bob Greenberger, Yildiray Cinar, Joe Staton, Ramona Fradon, Bill Walko, Ed Catto, Dan Parent, Chad Bokelman, Kevin Dilmore, Gene Hult, Randy Caldwell, Chuck Dill, John Trumbull, and Thom Zahler. I met a whole bunch of new people (new to me; they weren't infants), possessors of amazing talent: Brian Schirmer, Paul Guinan and Anina Bennett, Jonathan Case, Ming Doyle, and Erica Henderson to name a few. I ended up buying so many books and commissioning so many Ace Kilroy sketches that I had to hit the ATM every morning, lest I find myself with an empty wallet--which still nearly happened anyway!
There was more, much more, so instead of trying to cram everything into one post, the Shrine is going to spread it out a bit: be back tomorrow for more photos from the NYCC!
Great seeing u guys and meeting Dan. Love my Ace book and my special sketch! THX GUYS! Hard to believe the con is only a few years old and has grown so much! I remember the first year when I helped promo it for them. WOW. It was packed this year. I got a little freaked out when I got absolutely mobbed in the main floor and couldn't escape. Even a 7'2 drag MERA can't move along easily in her 6 inch heels! LOL I loved artist alley in the separate "room". It was a breath of fresh air to be able to walk around without all that mobbing and see all the artists. Great seeing u guys!
Thanks for the report, Rob - cool pics!
Alas, I was busy elsewhere this weekend; but then, I hung with some Icons, too:
-Craig W.
Where does Samurai keep his wallet and keys??
The cos part of the cosplayers just keep getting more and more authentic looking! They all looked really good. Samurai I'm not ALL that suprised by, seeing as how he was on the teevee, but the Dr. Mid-Nite has to be the one this time around which makes me say, Ok, never thought I'd see that. The Black Widow also deserves special mention for being great.
Thanks for the pics, guys.
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