Even with the assist of Shrine Correspondents Joe Slab and Andy Luckett, who regularly provide their own material, I've found it's getting harder and harder to come up daily posts--the Shrine, being daily, eats content at a prodigious rate, and it's always, always hungry!
I'm very proud of the fact that we have run six straight years without a single missed day, and I'm keen to continue that streak as long as possible. At the same time, with my other projects I've found I don't have the time to work on longer, more essay-like pieces, the kind of original content that I think the Shrine should focus on more, now that the Sea King himself is so available in comic book form (which wasn't true at all when we first started in 2006).
So to help give the Shrine staff some extra time, we're going to occasionally just post a Random Panel of the Day, or maybe just some goofy Aquaman-related photo, and that will be the post for the day. Throwing in a couple of "light" posts like that will simultaneously keep our every-day streak going, but also provide the space necessary to come up with other, more long-form pieces, which we hope you will enjoy.
Thanks to everyone for sticking with the Shrine for so long. We are truly living in a new golden age for the character, and we are as dedicated as ever to celebrating every moment!
No worries! Sounds like a more than fair way to keep The Shrine humming along! Thanks for all the work you all put into things here.
Kinda sad, but also fair and necessary, so I'm in peace with that. Thanks for all the hard work!
No complaints here. The Shrine is awesome. Do what you need to do.
I totally get this. I would love to post everday over at the CCB, but it being a Captain Carrot blog, I'd probably use up everything of interest in two months, if not sooner. ;)
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