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Thursday, October 04, 2012

Comic Booked Redesigns: Mera

A few weeks ago the Shrine posted a color sketch of a redesigned Mera by F.O.A.M.er Andy Kapellusch, part of his "ComicBooked Redesigns" series.

Now that Andy's redesigns for various members of the DCU are live on ComicBooked.com (including one of Aquaman), Andy was kind enough to whip up this Shrine-exclusive reworking of Mera, making her more of a warrior, as if she got an extra dose of Wonder Woman and Big Barda DNA.

Not only did Andy redesign the character visuals, but he came up with a "Stat Sheet" for the Queen of the Seven Seas:

Height: 6'0
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red
Build: Powerful, Athletic
Orientation: Straight
Emotional Spectrum: Will 6/ Love 4
Affiliations: Justice League Task Force, Atlantis
Favorite Movie: The Man Who Knew Too Little (and other Bill Murray comedies)
Favorite Music: Classical, String Quartet, Instrumental
Birthday: Sept. 28th (observed)
Andy is a fountain of ideas and concepts, and a big supporter of both the Shrine and The Fire and Water Podcast. We thank Andy for this exclusive piece!


1 comment:

Russell said...

Nice design! I gotta say I much prefer the "Chinese slippers" to her going barefoot. :-)