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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Aquaman Pin-Up by Joe Prado

Joe Prado has been busy finishing up his "pre-NYCC" commissions and posting the results on his Facebook page. Of course, this was one too good to resist: a majestic shot of Aquaman, wonderfully contrasted against two of his finny friends. A great piece, I'm jealous of whoever it's for!

We'll be seeing the soon-to-be-former-Aquaman art team at the show tomorrow; I'm sure I can speak for all of the Shrine staff when I say we can't wait!


Wings1295 said...

Wonderful piece!

Russell said...

Ultra cool! Hope to meet Joe and get his autograph on Friday!! :-)

Orin's dad said...

Have fun at the Con! Take lots of pics to post for us midwesterners who can't make it! :-)