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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Baltimore Comic Con 2012

The fine folk at the Baltimore Comic Con were kind enough to grant the Shrine a Press Pass for this year's show. Even though I knew I wouldn't be able to spend much time wandering the show itself (because I was there, sharing a table with my pal Doug Slack, promoting Ace Kilroy) I wanted to at least snap as many cosplay pics as I could, to give everyone who couldn't go a taste of what it was like.

And a lot of cool cosplayers wandered by:
You do not see a lot of Red Tornado cosplay!

The Shrine previously showed off Will Romine's awesome Starro outfit, complete with attacking JLA. It's even better in person.

The Defenders' Valkyrie--another character you don't see much of at cons.

I really loved these classy, 50s-era Gotham Girls!

Happy to report the two Black Canarys got along--I saw them posing together in pics, in fact.

Bedtime make Hulk smash!

These Legionnaire costumes were fabulous. I think these two weigh less than me combined.

A very cool Sue Storm, who came by near the end of Saturday. But maybe she walked by even earlier--who would know?

All together, some really amazing costumes. I saw one guy dressed as The Vigilante (the cowboy one), which I thought was the coolest. I lost track of him in the crowd and he didn't cross my path again, gosh darn it. But--I was disappointed to see (or, rather, not) not a single Aquaman or Mera at the show! Since Batimore sits right on the water, I figured at least one or two sets of Aqua-heroes would show up, but it seems like the Sea King was a no show, literally.

There was, however, one article of clothing I saw a lot of that I didn't enjoy:
This t-shirt of Bill Murray is based on my artwork, that someone along the line decided to lift, put on a shirt, and sell. I saw no less than three different people wearing this at the convention, and I've seen it offered on half a dozen different t-shirt sites on the web: apparently it's pretty popular! Harumph.

Overall, even though I was only at the show one day, I had a pretty good time. The show seemed well run (my badge was picked up with zero fuss), and it was nice to go to an actual COMIC con--one that focused on comics and the people that make them. No wrestlers, washed-up child stars, or Playboy models autograph booths clogging the aisles--just people like Mark Waid, Jose Luis Garcia Lopez (Praise Be His Name), Paul Levitz, Stan Lee, Garth Ennis, Neal Adams, Brian Bolland, Dan Parent, Dave Bullock, and many, many more.

I hope to return next year, and do a full court press for Ace Kilroy, giving me more time to enjoy all the things the Baltimore Comic Con has to offer. But there better be more Aquaman!

Post Script: There was at least one member of the Aqua-Family represented at the con, which you can see here. I don't know how I missed this particular Queen of the Seas, it was one awesome outfit! Thanks to F.O.A.M.er Chad Bokelman for the tip!


Diabolu Frank said...

My favorites were the Legionnaire duo. My Legion sweet spot was the post-Zero Hour reboot, so I dig those costumes, and rarely see them anywhere anymore. The kids fit their parts, as well.

Bill Murray is the patron saint of the very popular The Chive website, where I see those t-shirts constantly. If you're not feeling litigious, why not contact someone at the site to get your due press as the image originator.

Reply attempt #3. Hates word verification. HATES.

Wil Radcliffe said...

Great pictures, Rob!

As for the Bill Murray t-shirts, chances are if they didn't get your permission to use the artwork, they didn't get Murray's permission to use his likeness. I suspect these guys could be in serious trouble if Murray's lawyers ever get wind of this.

Earth 2 Chris said...

Stinks about your artwork Rob. That is a great piece though. I guess it's sort of flattery, in an illegal kind of way.

Ah, the perils of an artist in today's information age...


Unknown said...

Great Legion outfits. That Red Tornado is amazing! Hope he won some sort of prize for that one.

And...you can never have too many Black Canary's.

James Chatterton

Wings1295 said...

Cool costumes! Very nice. And ditto on the shirt, sorry someone did that, Rob!

Joseph Brian Scott said...

I love looking at the cosplay stuff! But I only like looking at it here. Go to more cons, and take more pics, Rob! And I echo the admiration for the Imra, Rokk, and Reddy costumes. Really well done.

Orin's dad said...

Great pic rob! I especially love the one of Mera you found and added, although the legionnaires were a close second.

Bummer about the Bill Murray shirts. It is a great pic. Just sucks you aren't getting anything for it.