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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ivan Reis Mattel Art

The Ivans, Ivan Reis and Ivan da Costa, were kind enough to send this piece of *awesome* Reis pencil art to the Shrine, which was commissioned by Mattel for use on various merchandising. Off the top of my head, I don't think I've seen that particular shot of Aquaman before, so maybe it'll be on stuff that's still to come?

In any case, click to embiggen, and just enjoy! Thanks guys!


BBNETMAN said...

I can only say: We love you Ivan!

Earth 2 Chris said...

NICE! I'm guessing this may be used for the new DC Unlimited line that's picking up where DC Universe Classics is leaving off. It's all New 52 stuff.


Andy Luckett said...

Excellent as always.