ComicJunkie87: This past weekend was Heroes Con in Charlotte, NC! Being a lifelong comic book fan and NC resident it was a no-brainer to attend this Con! During my time there I met many great comic book creators and got to chat with them--Scott Snyder (Batman, Swamp Thing), Shane Davis (Superman: Earth One), Mark Bagley (Avengers Assemble), and of course the Man himself Stan Lee (that was a dream come true – and he’s an awesome dude too btw).
One of my favorite moments was pre-Con when Shrine Correspondent Joe Slab asked if I would be willing to do some freelance work and talk to Joe Prado and Ivan Reis about Aquaman. I'm not much of a blogger (although I have a blog but it is rarely used) but I like the Aquaman Shrine and considered these guys friends and wanted to help them. I tweeted Joe and asked if he would be willing to spare a couple minutes for me. He graciously and enthusiastically agreed. Luckily I got to his and Ivan's table, asked if I could chat (also got some Brightest Day Aqua-variants signed). I'd like to point out that during the interview Ivan was working on a pencil sketch of Mera for a fan. And it looked AWESOME.
CJ87: What can we expect from the Zero Issue that’s coming out in September? (fyi: DC is referring to September as "Zero Month" where all their issues will be numbered 0)

Ivan Reis: Big flashback inside the story.
(Joe waves his arms at Ivan in a "cut it out" kinda way)
CJ87: Apparently not allowed to say that (all laugh) So we're dealing with the past!
Ivan: The Flashback! (all laugh)
Joe: What everybody read in the solicitation is pretty much what it's gonna be about. But there are gonna be some twists. You know why: Because it's Geoff (Johns, the writer of Aquaman).

Joe: Bottom line is that we have fun! That's our goal is to make something fun and enjoyable to the readers.
Ivan: Yeah of course and that really makes the difference. The readers can see that in the pages. If you have fun and have patience the readers can tell that.
Joe: We have a great collaboration too. Ivan, me and Geoff we talk everyday! On the phone, through e-mail, even Skype. The editor Patrick McCallum and colorist Rod Reis all help to pitch in. You know everyone pitches in to make the book great. That's the most important thing.
Ivan: It's a team effort.
CJ87: You guys have a lot going on besides Aquaman. There's the Superman covers, some variants, etc. You guys gonna still be working on things like that?
Joe: Yeah I think so.
Ivan (with a smile): For a while.
CJ87: Those are always my favorites. When I see your names on a variant I have to get it! I love it. Batman #3 is a favorite of mine.
Joe and Ivan: (laughing) Oh thank you.
CJ87: Are we gonna see any more of Mera’s past? Or Garth? Aqualad? Anything like that?
Joe: Garth and Aqualad I have no idea. I do think that Geoff should explore more about Mera's past at some point.
CJ87: Last question: What can we expect from the Who Sank Atlantis storyline?
Joe: You're gonna be surprised! I think it's gonna change Aquaman's status quo. Big time! He's gonna be even cooler!
Ivan: I think so! We are working toward this! We are working to make his origin cool.

Joe: Thank you!
Ivan: Thank you very much!
Special thanks to JJ Hodges for his outstanding effort in interviewing the always-awesome Ivan and Joe! Welcome to F.O.A.M. sir, you deserve it!
(HeroesCon sketches by Joe Prado)
I wonder why JP tried to keep Ivan quiet about the "Zero Month" story for Aquaman-- he didn't say or reveal anything that hasn't been hinted at in the September solicits or in other press...? No spoilers revealed here!
Cool interview! Wow...those sketches are awesome. I absolutely cannot wait to see Ocean Master show up. Great work JJ!
I was able to attend Charlotte's Hero Con on Sunday. I was thrilled to meet Ivan Reis! He was such a great guy. I was also thrilled to meet legendary Aquaman artist Nick Cardy! He was so gracious and signed 3 of my Aquaman comics and a Aquaman print I purchased!
Wow, great interview, J.J.!
And I am loving those character sketches, especially Ocean Master! I also dig the framing linework around Aquaman quite a bit.
Great stuff!
ocean master looks amazing!!
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