I'll let Pieter explain just exactly what we're looking at: "It's a poster that Stephen Sadowski did for Vancouver Gay Pride. He cast featured performer Jujubee as Mera and turned the two DJ's into Atlantean guardsmen. So awesome!"
I agree, it's a really gorgeous piece of work, and it immediately reads as "Aquaman" without ever actually featuring him. Thanks Pieter, and welcome to F.O.A.M.!
Is Sadowski currently penciling anything, because he should be. He was such a great JSA artist.
So THAT'S what Hila got up to!
@Mike Gillis: I agree. I loved his work on JSA, and would love to see him doing something with the new 52. I'm not aware of anything he's doing currently, but I'm only reading a few of the new series, so maybe I'm missing something...
I think this poster is HORRIBLE and OFFENSIVE!
The two guards should be wearing short, tight squarecuts, NOT long pants!
Great poster! Us Aqua-fans associate it all automatically wit Aquaman and Mera. I wonder how non-fans see it? Just as some sort of underwater fantasy art, I guess? Great piece.
I wish Jujubee had come to DC Pride. :(
Great poster!
Neat piece! I looooove Sadowskis art. Last thing I had seen him work on was the recent Avengers/Invaders book. Sadly, and I may be wrong, he is a very slooow artist. Dreaded Deadline Doom keeps him from getting steady work from the Big 2
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