I have yet to procure a full set of the stamps--they were released in several different packages, highlighting various DC stars, the ones you see above. Do you see Aquaman? No you do not. But you do see Captain Marvel...
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Rob, I think you should direct you anger at Hal and Barry here. After all, CM did have a TV show at the time. Barry had been on one SF episode, and Hal had YET to appear! His last claim to fame was Filmation in the 60s.
I think one of them bumped Arthur, personally.
He did get on a couple of stamps in 2006.
Aquaman is on the Justice League stamp between Batman and Flash, right? And Len is right, Aquaman was on a REAL stamp and Captain Shazammy-pants was not. :)
E2 Chris--I take your point, but it wasn't Barry or Hal that continually bumped Arthur off merch in the 70s and 80s!
Len--Yes, Aquaman got his due in 2006!
Brent--Captain Shazammy-Pants!
There was an Aquaman stamp in this collection, too. I had it. It was a "copy" of the Neal Adams 1976 calendar pose....probably by Frank McLaughlin or somebody like that. It was in the Wonder Woman stamp book. Look for that one.
Rob, it is time to face facts....Aquaman just sucks.
In the face of having his own TV series, then a prominent role on The Super Friends (along the way, being a part of two major action figure lines in the form of Captain Action and Mego), he still got the licensing shaft compared to The Zam (yes, I love him enough to give him a nickname). That should tell you all you heed to know!
...yes, I am pulling your leg. Keep up the great work on the Shrine :-)
Rob, I guess your Shazamaphobia will intensify this month when Warner Archives releases the live action Filmation Shazam series on DVD! Come on, who doesn't love heroes who travel around in a camper?
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