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Friday, June 22, 2012

Aquaman Art Gallery: Otis Frampton

This nifty piece of Aqua-Art is by Otis Frampton, from his DeviantArt page. Judging by the look on Arthur's face, I'd bet either Black Manta or Ocean Master is just off-panel! Aquaman is rocking his Classic look here; except for the missing green gloves. You know, I have to say the whole non-gloves look is growing on me.

This is Mr. Frampton's second appearance in the Aquaman Art Gallery; I also spotlighted some of his work on my AfterM*A*S*H blog. Talented and prolific guy!


Straight To DVD said...

Love it!

Orin's dad said...

I really dig this piece. Love the bubbles, and the colors. Very cool!

Joseph Brian Scott said...

Aquawesome! Almost looks like an animation still.