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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Custom Ocean Master Action Figure

This awesome custom Ocean Master action figure was made by our newest F.O.A.M. member, Scott Rivet, who posted it on the Shrine's Facebook page a week or two ago.

This Orm isn't all that different from the DC Universe version that came out a couple of years ago, except Scott made some changes here and there that make his version look more like the one from the comics. And bonus points for the background--it looks like Orm is tired of letting Black Manta be the only Aquaman villain in the Legion of Doom!

Great work Scott, and welcome to F.O.A.M.!


Anonymous said...

I actually had to get up and get my Ocean Master figure to compare them. Nice Job!

Darth_Ennis said...

Awesome! Thanks for putting this up here its an honor. I've been a fan of this page for years. He is actually a DCUC Shark body with a DCD head and staff. The cape is from a DCUC Dr. Impossible and the braceletts and belt are sculpted. He was a lot of fun to make.