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Saturday, May 05, 2012

The Aquaman Gallery of Fine Art is Now Open!

Back on April 14 in lieu of a Comics Weekend post the Shrine ran a piece called The Aquaman Gallery of Fine Art, inspired by this *amazing* full-page shot from Aquaman #7 by Reis/Prado/Reis.

I asked you Aqua-Fans what pieces you considered to be the Sea King's single finest image, and here's what some of you said:
Blackest Night #8 by Ivan Reis, Joe Prado (them again!), and Oclair Albert--submitted by Joe Mello.

Poor Arthur and Mera really had a tough time of it in Blackest Night and Brightest Day, so their brief moments of happiness really stood out.

DC: The New Frontier by Darwyn Cooke--submitted by Mike Gillis.

Aquaman didn't appear much at all in New Frontier, but Cooke still managed to give the Sea King a couple of really choice shots.

Adventure Comics #446 by Jim Aparo--submitted by Vic Ferrari.

This, too, is one of my all-time favorite Aquaman covers--a crowded layout to be sure, but it's just so vibrant and exciting that I can't help but grin every time I see it.

DC Comics 1976 Calendar by Neal Adams and Dick Giordano--submitted by Russell Burbage.

This image was obviously very popular, and not just with Russell--it was used on several different pieces of merchandise for years afterward.

Aquaman 1986 Mini-Series House Ad by Craig Hamilton--submitted by The Irredeemable Shag.

This image is altered from the cover to #1, in that the background mosaic is monochromatic here, instead of full-color.

JLA Poster (detail) by Ed Benes--submitted by Mac Schafer.

Ironically enough, when this poster was re-used, Aquaman (who was currently dead in the DCU) was replaced by Guy Gardner:
Great choices all, thanks guys!

If you have a submission that you'd like included in the Aquaman Gallery of Fine Art, leave a comment or drop the Shrine an email!


Wings1295 said...

Great choices all! Great idea for a post, Rob!

aquaman said...

Love AC #446! I love the Aquaman riding the seahorse on the side holding the flag! Fantastic!!!!

Anonymous said...

I actually use the Image from Blackest Night as my Facebook photo :)