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Thursday, May 03, 2012

Andy Begin's Aquaman Shrine

Check out these pics of F.O.A.M.er Andy Begin's personal Aquaman Shrine, which includes a framed F.O.A.M. membership certificate! Outrageous!

Andy also sent this pic in of his wife, who is currently involved in something called a "30-Day Nail Challenge." Day 2's color was orange, so, of course...
DC Comics Presents: Aquaman and Revlon!

Thanks Andy!


Wings1295 said...

Very cool!

Wil Radcliffe said...

There are Aquaman Shrine F.O.A.M. certificates? Do all F.O.A.M.er's get them?

rob! said...

Yes, Wil, every FOAMer gets one--I'm sure I sent you one (via email) at the time. If you don't have one email me and I'll send you the link!

Anonymous said...

My wife loved seeing her nails up here, thanks Rob ^_^

Straight To DVD said...

Maybe I should take photos of my 30+ Aquaman action figures? I'm not a FOAMer though....

rob! said...

STDVD--That's how you could become one!