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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Ivan Reis Pencil Sketch from Aquaman #1

Aquaman Shrine Exclusive! Woo, this exciting! This is an original pencil sketch by Aquaman artist Ivan Reis, a "first take" at the full-page illustration that appeared on page four of Aquaman #1.

This was generously sent to the Shrine by Ivan Reis himself and F.O.A.M.er Ivan da Costa. Here's how the latter Ivan described it: "
As you know, Ivan is a perfectionist and he has worked on two other versions of the already classic Aquaman full page splash before finding a composition he was happy with. Please find attached these unused (but also beautiful) prelims to be shared with our fellow FOAMers."

Notice the plural in there? Yes, Ivan and Ivan sent the Shrine two sketches, the second of which will be posted later on today, so make sure to check back, Aqua-Fans!

Thank you, Ivan and Ivan!

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