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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Aqua-Sketch by Joe Prado

This unfinished Aquaman sketch is by Joe Prado, and appears in his 2010 Sketchbook, a nifty little volume that Joe has available when he appears at comic cons (like the upcoming Boston show later this month).

I asked Joe what this was for, and if it was ever completed. Joe wrote back to say, no, it was just a sketch that he planned to ink, but just never got around to it. Too bad--I love the dynamic pose and of course the Shrine is always interested in seeing more Joe Prado Aquaman art!

For more of Joe's work, check out his DeviantArt page!


Wings1295 said...

Great sketch!

Anonymous said...

Nice work... though I'm getting the feeling that DC wants to make Joe the regular artist on Aquaman... and no disrespect meant to you, Joe (if you read this) but I've got a very special affinity for Ivan Reis' art. =)