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Friday, March 30, 2012

The World of Flashpoint TPB

The F.O.A.M. member known as "Hoop" left a comment on a Random Panel of the Day thread about the new The World of Flashpoint trade paperback, mentioning how the book is called The World of Flashpoint Featuring Wonder Woman. Yet, as we can see, Aquaman is on the cover, the only character on the back cover, and the main pull quote is about Emperor: Aquaman!

Seeing all this, John asked a completely reasonable question: "
So tell me exactly why it isn't 'World of Flashpoint: Featuring Aquaman'?" Not to dis the Amazing Amazon or anything, but I'd say this is an example of Aquaman still being a half-step behind The Big Three in terms of name recognition--or at least considered such by DC.

But, thanks to the Aquaman current team, I don't think that's going to last much longer...

Thanks Hoop!


aquaman said...

Let's hope they see how great Aquaman is loved. I loved his uniform in this series, but boy, that Wonder Woman armor was just awful! IMHO

Designer Daddy said...

I would have even been happy with WW and Aquaman sharing the title. But this is just lame. Plus he's more recognizable on the cover than she is, IMHO.

aquaman said...

i agree. The back cover illustration should have been the front cover. It is the Sea King looking amazing!