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Friday, January 20, 2012

DC Interactive Logos

DC made big news the other day, unveiling these new interactive logos, replacing the updated DC "spin" icon that debuted back in 2005.

Some of the new icons are clearly, intentionally visually tied to characters (Flash, Green Lantern, Watchmen), and the Shrine couldn't help but notice a certain Sea King is not represented! Considering that Aquaman is currently one of DC''s top sellers, we thought that was unfair, so:
...you're welcome, DC!


Anonymous said...

I give this new look a 3 mouths tops before DC Realize they Shot themselves in the foot. (Haven't we learned anything from new Coke?) Seriously they got lucky with the new 52, now they are just being indirect. This logo is absolutely soulless compared to the current one that we are all Used too. Nevertheless they can put a picture of Marilyn Manson face has their logo for all I care as long as they still got the same great characters, artist, writers, etc. Nevertheless I wish DC good luck with this new logo as they will be about knee deep I hate mail.

Dennis Doucette said...

I really like it. And I love what you did rob! Love how the scales pop out.

rob! said...

Thx Dennis!

Eyz said...

I actually like this Aquaman-inspired logo^^
(..and I didn't even like this actual new logo though~)

Earth 2 Chris said...

The Aquaman logo is fun, but the new logos are some of the best examples of bad branding in the history of media.

DC looks like it is now a financial adviser at best, or an office supply dealer at worst.


Orin's dad said...

I don't really care for the new logos, but do love the work you did rob!. The scales look great. But, in general, I'm not a fan of this new logo style. Won't stop me from buying the comics, but also won't make me buy any more...

Joe Slab said...

Something about that 2nd logo in the lot of 6 just doesn't sit right with me...anyone else getting a bad vibe from it (I am trying to avoid any explicit comparison here)?

Wings1295 said...

Interesting. Definitely making some buzz! And I love the Aqua-version the best!

Anthony said...

Nice logo customizing! Still, I don't like the new logo either (very generic, looks clearly designed for their non-comics media in mind, and breaks with DC's "circular logo" tradition). Granted, I wasn't wild about the last logo, though, either. (Yeah, I'm on the "bring back the bullet" side ;-) )

Tegan said...

I'd prefer to go back to the bullet myself, but Rob's version is almost tolerable. I bet DC's Aquaman version won't be as good as Rob's.

wich2 said...

The idea of the D peeling away to reveal the C is cute trick, but serves no descriptive/narrative purpose whatsoever...

Is the theory that "the 'Detective' part is fading away, so soon our name will just be 'Comics'!"?