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Monday, January 09, 2012

Aquaman 2011 Header Contest--FINAL!


The votes are in, and here are the results of the 2011 Aquaman Shrine Header Art Content:
Out of 295 votes cast, Luke Daab's entry for April came in at #1 with 126 votes, representing 42% of all the votes cast. For a while it was neck-and-neck with John Trumbull, whose August header came in at #2 with 66 votes. Finishing third was November's header by Brent Almond, with 33 votes.

The Shrine has decided to expand the prize giveaways by offering Luke, John, and Brent both the Deepwater Disaster and Heroes on the High Seas books, congrats guys!
Our other eight contestants--all of whom delivered wonderful, unique pieces of art that adorned the Aquaman Shrine throughout 2011--will get a copy of either book of their choosing. So Daria, Zachary, Chad, Andrew, Michael, Elizabeth, Russell, and The Schafer Clan, please email the Shrine and let us know which book you'd like--you've all earned it!

The Shrine really loved seeing what everyone came up with, and I thought the diversity of style, approach, and feel made the Shrine look extra special in 2011. Thanks to everyone who participated!


Wings1295 said...

Congrats to the winner & the runners-up! And with all these great headers all year long, we were all winners!

jim said...

Yes, all the headers were great & it was a lot of fun to look forward to each new one. Thanks to all the talented artists.

Designer Daddy said...

And thanks to Rob for another fun way for us Aqua-fans to participate and contribute to the Shrine!

Orin's dad said...

I enjoyed the headers immensely, and am jealous of all the others for my complete lack of artistic talent compared to all of them. lol
Seriously, though, the headers were great and I thought it was a great way to incorporate fan art into the Shrine. Great work as always rob!.

Andy Luckett said...

I enjoyed all the headers and looked forward each month to the new one. It was like having an Aquaman calendar without peeking at the pictures on the back first! Great job everyone, and great job rob for adding another community activity to the Shrine!

Siar said...

Superman is always my love. I'm very glad he appears on the books.

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