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Friday, November 11, 2011

Super Friends Promo Art - 1979

This 8x10" piece of Super Friends promo art was put up on sale on eBay, and pointed out to the Shrine by our newest F.O.A.M. member, Tom Fardy.

The seller didn't provide much info, but when I asked they said it was a promo piece sent out to the network. I dunno; this seems like an odd piece to use for such a cause (black and white? just Aquaman?). Nevertheless, I like it!

Thanks Tom, and welcome to F.O.A.M.!


Anonymous said...

Smart not to put a link to the auction. Cause I would bid on that like crazy

wich2 said...

Rob, it might have been designed for B & W venues: TV GUIDE, newspapers, COMICS JOURNAL-type mags, etc.


Russell said...

Seems like I have seen that in magazines before somewhere..