After an opening team-up between Batman and comedian Jefferey Ross(!), this episode opens aboard the JL Satellite, as the new League eagerly awaits a visit from the legendary Justice Society. Martian Manhunter, who is in charge of the the whole event, is particularly nervous, medicating himself with cookies. Aquaman, confident as ever, takes Manhunter's snacks away from him and tries to get him to relax:

Back at the satellite, the JSA arrives, and Aquaman welcomes them:

The party is an awkward, painful affair. Alan Scott openly derides Guy Gardner, who is none-too-impressed with these "fossils." Wildcat is horrified at the slovenly conditions of Blue Beetle's room, and says so. Its gets so bad that Aquaman decides to entertain them all with an old Atlantean spiritual, "Nearer My Fins To Thee." It, too, doesn't go over well:

Batman sends out a distress call to the JL, but no one hears when a fight breaks out among the two groups, complete with pie-throwing--he's on his own. Or is he?
While being dangled over some nightmarish-looking sea creature, Batman is rescued by Ra's' daughter Talia. Batman, now safe for the moment, asks why she did that. Her answer?
While being dangled over some nightmarish-looking sea creature, Batman is rescued by Ra's' daughter Talia. Batman, now safe for the moment, asks why she did that. Her answer?

The JL and the JSA work well together, taking on all of Ra's' goons. Aquaman and Dr. Mid-Nite make a particularly good team:

The heroes regroup at the JL Satellite, and everyone has learned to admire one another. Everyone is hungrily gulping down some of Manhunter's pies, even Batman!
"Crisis" is a wonderful episode, very funny but also featuring lots of great action. Aquaman gets a ton to do, and it was wonderful seeing him use his telepathic powers one last time. I've said it many times before, but its worth repeating: I think Batman: Brave and the Bold did more for Aquaman for than it did for Batman.
In terms of order of production, there are two more episodes of the show left, and Aquaman does appear one more time--in the final B&B ever, "Mitefall!" But that episode is extremely meta, so in my mind, that makes this episode is the Sea King's last real "straight" hurrah as an prominent member of the Brave and the Bold cast.
Sorry to ask. What do you mean by saying the last episode is "extremely meta"? What does meta mean?
I just mean its a very in-jokey episode, mostly humor with the characters being aware they're in a TV show. This is the last mostly straightforward superhero episode with Aquaman.
I think you mean Atlantean spiritual.
A very fun episode, I love how old geezer Flash needed to keep using the bathroom.
Glad to hear Aquaman will appear again. When does the finale aire?
Oops. yeah.
"Mitefall!" airs 11/18.
I just love this show and will be very sad to see it go off the air. Like you, rob!, I think this show has done wonders for Aquaman. He totally rocked in this episode. I loved how he was the first in the fight, and kicked henchman arse with Dr. Midnight, and then used his telepathy to stop the monster. And the song was another "outrageous" Aquaman moment from the show.
@Ryan, the Flash constantly having to go was solid and made me laugh out loud too. So did the Ted Knight voice sound-alike they had for Starman.
This one had an almost Venture Bros. type vibe to it, which I loved.
I wonder if CN will ever air "The Ballad of Matches Malone", which is an unaired episode from Season Two? Apparently the producers had to edit the song that leaked out on the internet, where the Birds of Prey comment on how other heroes don't...stack up to Batman. Or certain parts of him!!!
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