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Friday, October 21, 2011

Random Panel of the Day #288



Spectergirl said...

See! That body leaves everyone speechless.

Joseph Brian Scott said...

Now THAT is an inspirational amphibian.

rob! said...

I figured this RPOTD would be a win for the Shrine's female and/or gay constituencies. :)

Laurie S. Sutton said...

Thanks rob!

Shellhead said...

"Pizza for Aquaman!"

"Gee, I'm afraid I left my wallet in my tights. Is there some . . . other way . . . I can pay for it?"

Cue porn soundtrack.

Designer Daddy said...

The chandelier in the background looks kinda like Mera's tiara.

And Shellhead, you didn't finish your story... ;)

JasonMotesBowles said...

Who's looking at the chandelier?!

Anonymous said...

Pizza delivery for Mr. Aquaman...

This looks like the beginning of a movie i accidentally rented 4 times at my Motel 6 in Atlanta

rob! said...

HA! Hate it when that happens.

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

What's this from?

rob! said...

Aquaman #2, out Wednesday!

BTW, MTN, aren't you in Hawaii or something? Why are you even near a computer???