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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

DC Comics App

Each week DC Comics puts out a free "sampler" as part of their app which features a couple of pages of that week's books. Look who got featured front and center for the week of 9/28!

That's not all--here's a screenshot of the app store itself, again with the Sea King the most prominent:
The Shrine loves seeing Aquaman given such a marketing push; it clearly worked!

These shots come from F.O.A.M.er Joe Huber, thanks Joe!


aquaman said...

It's how I read my comics now. Fantastic!

collectededitions said...

Love the newest DC Comics app redesign ... just can't understand why DC can't release for iTunes AND Android at the same time ...

aquaman said...

cant release that way since it takes 2 different programs to make the apps. ITunes is a much larger store and has more revenue possibilities. It is a very long process doing apps. Apple believe it or not, is very strict when it comes to these apps especially when they are apps u make purchases in!

collectededitions said...

No doubt you're right, but I wish DC would add "Android app to come" or something to their press release. As an Android user, it turns me off when a company acts as though Android doesn't exist or is a "second thought," much the same as it does when publishers act like their trade editions don't exist. That's just my two cents; all-in-all it's good that DC's making advances with their digital program.