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Thursday, September 01, 2011

Super Friends Swim Goggles - 1979

This is a pair of Super Friends brand swim goggles...let's just let it sink in for minute that on a pair of swim goggles, Aquaman has been removed from the Super Friends group shot by Alex Toth.

Luckily, he is pictured on the original illustration adorning the rest of the package. I guess it was too much to ask that Aquaman be the one teaching the kid to swim, not Superman.

The exciting thing about this product is that it came with an original mini-comic, "Aquateers Meets The Super Friends." Unfortunately, I've never seen the book in person, or found any real details on it on the web (even Mike's Amazing World of DC doesn't have that much on it). I think I saw it for sale on eBay once; had I known it was so scarce I would have picked it up!

This pic was sent to me by F.O.A.M.er Kyall Coulton, who put it up on his awesome WonderWomanCollectors.com site. Thanks Kyall!


Wings1295 said...

Seems to me to be par for the course with DC in regards to NOT placing Aquaman on appropriate water-themed items. Someone just keeps missing the boat in that department. Or rather, many someones!

Luis said...

Great find! However, it seems to me that without the packaging, there is nothing on the goggles themselves to indicate they are "Super-Friends" goggles since they're just plain goggles. And who the heck is Aquateer?