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Thursday, September 08, 2011

Random Panel of the Day #252



Colin Smith said...

Ah, one of my favourite Aquaman appearances ever. And one of the very best Justice League stories ever. The final panel of the run, with a silent Firestorm staring off into space, has stayed with me ever since, as has the fact that Arthur was - atypically for the period - a major-league superhero in the story. Great stuff.

Jakethy said...

What's the name of the storyline? I'd love to find it based on Colin's recounting!

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

I, too, remember loving this story, yet inexplicably sold it (with most of the rest of my childhood collection) on ebay several years ago. However, by chance, I ordered it online several days ago (prompted by your last post pre-new 52) and it should arrive today. I remember it being brutal.

rob! said...


Its from JLA #s 221-223, which you can find write-ups on here on my JLA Satellite blog.

Jakethy said...

Sweet! - thanks Rob. I remember being intrigued by that review when I first read it and didn't know this was the same story. Already tracked it down on eBay!
Regarding the random panel posts, would you ever consider linking the image to something that would tell about the source. Like in this case it could link to your review or any of your other sites where you might've covered it? I'm not sure where else you could link to in some of the more obscure cases, but there might something you could provide. Just a thought.

rob! said...


A good suggestion; I'm just generally too lazy to go digging for links related to a particular panel. :)

But you can ALWAYS learn what book the RPOTD is from by right/control clicking the image, and the source book will be just before ".gif"

Jakethy said...

Sweet! Easy enough - thanks.