Aquaman Shrine Exclusive! This Mera character sketch (again, generously sent to us by Ivan Costa) shows just how much work goes into even the smallest details. As rendered by Mr. Reis, Mera is ready to take her place as one of DC's premiere superheroines, and it's about time! More tomorrow!
Since the beginning of BLACKEST NIGHT Mera has been stepping up in exposure, prominence and style. I love this redesign--simple but iconic.
I don't know if Hawkgirl is dead in the DCnU or when we'll get her back, but until that time, Aquaman and Mera deserve to be DC's premiere power couple. I can't wait for tomorrow afternoon when I can download the digital AQUAMAN #1.
That "M" design bit is brilliant. So cool to see her wearing her own version of Aquaman's belt A. She's really a superhero now!
About time, indeed! She looks great!
Love it!!!
I've been saying for years that Mera should have an "M" insignia somewhere on her uniform.
Joe Slab
I love this design, and how ha kept her feet bare, rather than putting boots on her. Very nice touch.
Since the beginning of BLACKEST NIGHT Mera has been stepping up in exposure, prominence and style. I love this redesign--simple but iconic.
I don't know if Hawkgirl is dead in the DCnU or when we'll get her back, but until that time, Aquaman and Mera deserve to be DC's premiere power couple. I can't wait for tomorrow afternoon when I can download the digital AQUAMAN #1.
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