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Wednesday, September 07, 2011

F.O.A.M.ers and Their Daughters

Today we're spotlighting two longstanding members of F.O.A.M. and their daughters, who have taken up the Aqua-cause!

Above is Nicole Mello, daughter of Joe, studying for a biology test (a test, this early in the year? Who runs Nicole's school, Lex Luthor?), rocking an Aquaman t-shirt! Love it!

And this new arrival is Nicole (yes, another Nicole!) Peterson, daughter of F.O.A.M. member Stephen Peterson!

Little Nicole arrived on August 19, meaning she's another in the long line of Aquaman fans born that month (a good month for Aqua-fans). As you can see, her proud Papa is getting her off on the right foot, with lots of orange and green!

The Shrine thanks Joe and Stephen for the pics, and says good luck to Nicole Mello, and a hearty welcome to Nicole Peterson!


cリnical said...

AquaBaby just owned me. That is precious.

Wings1295 said...

Great! Thanks for posting, Rob! Congrats to Stephen and a big welcome to the new little Nicole!