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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Justice League Second Printing Cover!

Well, it appears Justice League #1 has already sold out at the distributor level, even though no doubt there are stacks of the issue still available at LCSs everywhere. DC Comics was apparently well prepared for this event and is all ready to go with this cover for Justice League #1 #2 (second printing that is):
UPDATE: This issue is scheduled to be in comic shops on Wednesday September 14th and is already sold out at the distributor level. A 3rd printing has been ordered by DC Comics and will feature the SDCC '11 art of Jim Lee that we premiered here!


Wings1295 said...

They had a good stack at my LCS today. Picked this up, Flashpoint #5 and The Bionic Man #1. I am comic geek heaven right now.

Designer Daddy said...

How was Bionic Man? I read Kevin Smith's run on Green Arrow a while back and liked it, and only just heard about Bionic Man a few days ago.

Wings1295 said...

DesignerDaddy: Haven't read it yet. Heard good things about it, though. And I have always been a fan of the Bionic shows, Steve Austin was my idol as a kid. So I am hopeful!