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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

JLA Flashback #8

Justice League of America #125 - Dec. 1975. Cover art by Ernie Chan.

So, let's see: Aquaman supported Two-Face, Vibe, and Gypsy joining the JLA? I have to say, his judgment has to be questioned...


Rick L. Phillips said...

I remember buying this issue. Not one of my favorite JLA issues. I got it while going to softball practice for my church softball team.

Aaron said...

I always like the different hand signs indicating support.

Earth 2 Chris said...

With Two-Face you get a 50/50 chance he'll do something good. The same can't be said of Vibe.


rob! said...

That made me laugh out loud, Chris.

rob! said...

Aaron--Yeah, I guess they figured everyone giving the same sign looked weird. But what IS Hawkman doing, exactly?

Earth 2 Chris said...

Glad I made you chuckle Rob.

Hawkman is saying "Hi! I'm just standing here, because Ernie Chua is drawing 75 covers this month, and he doesn't have time to draw backgrounds, or figure out how what to do with me!'


Wings1295 said...

I don't remember this issue!

Anonymous said...

Haha! That was one of the funnier things I've seen this week, Chris.

Hey, give the poor Sea King a break. The guy didn't have much to work with in those days, and he was probably just hoping that Vibe's inevitable death would make the real heroes realize how badly the League needed them....too bad it was postponed so long....