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Monday, August 22, 2011

JLA Flashback #6

Justice League of America #238 - May 1985. Cover art by Paris Cullins and Mike Machlan.

A very exciting cover, with Aquaman as point man! Love it!


Shaun McLaughlin said...

I loved, loved, loved this run when it was coming out. Totally afraid of what I'd think if I re-read it now.

Orin's dad said...

I don't think I've read this run since it came out, and don't have them anymore. I would kind of like to check it out again just for fun. I may have to hunt around the local LCS and see if any can be found...

rob! said...

OD--You can brush up on them at my JLA Satellite blog: http://www.jlasatellite.com/

(/commercial announcement)

Russell said...

Aquaman and six other characters as a "new" JLA... outrageous! Sure glad THAT won't happen again! Oh...wait.... uh... never mind. (Cyborg = Steel???)