I was digging through some old Aquaman comics the other day (I tend to do that) and one of them was DC Super-Stars #7, an omnibus title that for this particular issue focused on Aquaman, a book we covered on the Shrine way back in 2007.
The book featured all reprints, so there wasn't much to discuss, but I somehow had forgotten to mention this fantastic, brand-new splash page by my all-time favorite Aquaman artist, the late great Jim Aparo!
This splash is a whole lot of awesome crammed into a tiny space: you've got Aquaman and Aqualad each pounding the kelp out of some bad guys, an iconic shot of the whole Aqua-Family, and Topo acting as Master of Ceremonies, all wrapped up in a really spiffy design. Man, was Jim Aparo good!
This is a great splash page! Look at the Aqua-dudes puttin' a hurt on cute manta-men and mental patients.
I loved this DC Special. I didn't care that it was all reprints; it was new to me. Around the time I got this, my Dad also gave me his old tape recorder to play around with, and I recorded myself reading "Between Two Dooms." I remember that I didn't know how to pronounce the word "unique", and would say "un-kwhy."
Am I totally lost or what? Who is the gal in Yellow standing next to Aqualad??? Aparo is the best! My fav Aquaman artist ever. I own one the cover art he did for Adventure Comics #451 and I treasure it!
Pure awesome!!! Just bought the issue on ebay as a result of this post ;)
@aquaman---that's Tula aka Aquagirl! Click the sidebar with her pic on it to learn more!
Retro Poster or Tee worthy!
If DC would let me, I'd turn this into a shirt, sell it on the Shrine, and send half the money to the Aparo family.
Gah - That would be awesome!
That would be an awesome shirt! I love the whuppin' that Aquaman and Aqualad are puttin' on the manta men and the henchman. And the family shot at the top. And Topo wrapping it all up at the bottom. This page has it all!
Aquaman "splash panels" without Jim Aparo is like corn flakes without the milk.
A wonderful page. I love Jim Aparo's artwork and any chance to see work by him is alright with me
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