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Friday, August 19, 2011

Aqua T-Shirts, Parts 11 and 12

These are the last two Aquaman t-shirts from the seemingly-endless collection of F.O.A.M.er extraordinaire Russell Burbage. I thought they should go together, since they use the same iconic pose for both shirts.

Of all the hundreds (thousands?) of official and bootleg Aquaman t-shirts I've seen, I think the solo one at the very top might rank as the one I've seen the most; I think there's a simplicity to it that really rings the bell for Aquaman fans.

Thanks to Russell for sending in all the shirt pics; sorry it took several years to get to them all!


Orin's dad said...

I have the top one too. Think it was either the first or second one I ever got. Like you, rob!, the simplicity of it works well for me, and it's always been my favorite.

Seandog said...

This reminds me--a company called Wet Cement has actually created a couple of hipster Aquaman t-shirts, sold at Neiman Marcus of all places!


I like their description, too.

JasonMotesBowles said...

Seandog, thanks for the link! I just ordered the "fancy" Aquaman shirt. I'll probably wear it to the Cincinnati Comic Expo or Mid-Ohio Con.

I have both of these two shirts. I'll buy anything that's specifically "Super Friends" versus the comics, especially if Aquaman's involved.

Wings1295 said...

Nice shirts! Love them both!

Russell said...

I just clicked on this and it says "This item is not available."

Orm, what have you done NOW?!?