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Monday, July 04, 2011

Random Panel of the Day #197



Anthony said...

Well, I think his traditional, non-"80s metal band roadie with a can opener for a hand" look was way more handsome-looking (if I'm recalling this panel's era correctly), but maybe that's just me... :-)

Wings1295 said...

Hey, if you can use that line, then why the hell not, right???

Joseph Brian Scott said...

Diana needs some powder on her chin. Still, evocatively sensual image, and it makes sense, really; she had a thing for merguys in her youth.

Anonymous said...

Ha, this is one of the best, most memorable moments from that fairly mediocre story. I always liked the idea of Aquaman/Wonder Woman, before Mera, of course! They make sense. They're both royalty, both super strong, super tough, and they both have conflicting responsibilities.