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Thursday, July 07, 2011

A is for Aquaman, A is for Advertising

Regular Shrine readers will undoubtedly notice there are now ads appearing just below and to the right of the Shrine's most current post.

You can all probably guess why that is, and its not a decision I came to lightly. I've been running the Shrine at a loss since the beginning, and even though it would have been helpful for the Shrine to generate some income of its own, I kept turning down ads because I thought they would "ugly up" the site. Now I see I was right.

But they are, for now, a necessary evil. If you click something you like, that gets recorded and helps throw some coin the Shrine's way, and that will help ensure that The Aquaman Shrine stays right where it is for years to come!


cリnical said...

No love lost, man. You gotta do what you gotta do.

Russell said...

First ad is for superhero outfits. If I click on it, will I find an Aquaman one?! :-)

Don't know what the hell a Sheen Lantern is, though....?

nf said...

Agreed. I'll suffer from through some ads for my daily dose of Aquaman.

rob! said...

Thanks guys.

(crawls under desk and sobs)

Wings1295 said...

No need to crawl and hide, dude! So much here that is worth an ad or twenty. We can handle it and I know I am not alone when I say we hope they are beneficial.

Joseph Brian Scott said...

I clicked on everything I saw. Hope that helps the cause.

Shellhead said...

To be honest, I'm surprised you made it this far without ads. No worries, Rob. You gotta do what you gotta do.

rob! said...

BTW, to all in case I wasn't clear: the Shrine doesn't make money from the ads just being there, but by click-throughs.

So every click you guys do helps earn the Shrine something like .000001 cents--but every bit helps! So even if you're not interested in what's being advertised (what the hell is Sheen Lantern anyway?), you'd be doing the Shrine a solid by clicking--then you can just X out and forget all about it!