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Sunday, June 26, 2011

JLA Puzzle Page!

In lieu of a new crossword puzzle, I thought I'd dig up an old games n' trivia page from Justice League of America #114, one that just happens to feature Aquaman somewhat prominently.

I like how someone at DC's production department whited out the trident Aquaman is clearly holding in that middle picture; now it just kinda looks like he's doing the old "hands on the bat" bit with his fellow JLAers. Is that how they chose their monthly chairperson???


Joe Slab said...

This is so creative and cool! I've never seen it!

Wings1295 said...

New to me, too! Very cool!

Russell said...

Of course, it turns out that one of the questions is wrong...! It was discussed in a later letters page. Do you remember, or do you know?!

rob! said...

Isn't it the top one? I believe all four characters guested in JLA...

Anonymous said...

Wow, After reading this I feel 100 years old.

Michael Jones said...

Isn't Wonder Woman both a Princess and a Prince?