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Wednesday, June 01, 2011

DC Comics Promo Poster - 1994

F.O.A.M.er Ilke Hincer sent in a link to an eBay auction for this DC promo poster, which was produced in 1994 (see: Supes' mullet).

Measuring a whopping 22x34", this poster features all the stars of the DCU, using all different artists--that Aquaman by Ken Hooper, alongside Wonder Woman by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez, Flash by Mike Wieringo (I think?), Captain Marvel by Jerry Ordway, and more.

By mixing action shots as well as iconic poses, this makes for an oddly staged poster, but who cares when Aquaman is featured so prominently?

Thanks Ilke!


Wings1295 said...

It is odd, that was my first thought. Seems... clunky. But hey, Aquaman!

Russell said...

I think it is a very ugly poster, but nice to see the loving shared in the DCU instead of just featuring spotlight hogs Supes, Bats, and Diana.

Orin's dad said...

I like the fact they got a lot of different heroes involved in the poster, but I agree, it's not a good poster.

Jerry Resendes said...

The FLASH is indeed by the great Mike Wieringo. Both the SUPERMAN and STEEL are Jon Bogdanove, ROBIN and SUPERBOY are by Tom Grummet and I beleive the BATMAN is a Graham Nolan. Can't place the HAWKMAN and GREEN LANTERN.

Andy Luckett said...

Kinda cool (I like how the water behind Aquaman pops him out from the background) but very 90's. Still love Brian Bolland's rendition of Wonder Woman.