Russell has been the creator and provider of the Aqua-Crosswords, a new Sunday feature I've been wanting to add for a long time.
Andy wrote the weekly recaps for Cartoon Network's Young Justice show, and soon he'll be doing the same for the new YJ comic book series.
And Joe Slab has been running the Aquaman Shrine's Twitter Feed (with the occasional chime-in by me). Since taking it over, the Shrine's feed went from just mirroring what I've been writing on the Shrine's Facebook page to an active, up-to-the-minute entity all its own. We've added almost 100 new followers and many times Joe has something on the Shrine's Twitter page before I even cover it here!
With Aquaman poised to become a bigger comic book star than he has been in decades, the Shrine needed to adjust and expand accordingly. I simply don't have the time to take it all on properly, so I'm really thrilled to add Russell, Andy, and Joe to the team!
Thanks rob!
Its been so much fun being the Shrine twitter correspondent! From breaking the news about Aquaman's new monthly series to daily sightings, quotes, images, breaking news, and interactions with both Aquaman fans & professionals--it has become an amazing adjunct to the Shrine's blog & Facebook page.
If we included everything from the twitter feed on the blog, rob! would never get anything else done!!!
If you're not following us on twitter I highly encourage you to set up an account, its easy and all you need to disclose is a screen name and a valid email :)
Best to all Aqua-fans-
Joe Slab
Wow, this is VERY cool! Aquaman has his own "handlers" now! Let's hope he doesn't become a diva!
This is an awesome idea - look forward to seeing what comes from everyone in future.
I feel honored to be in such great company....thanks, Rob! But how come I'm the only one who used a "real" avatar?!? LOL!
Great stuff! Here's to hoping there is a ton of Aqua-stuff coming that keeps you ALL busy! :)
Thanks for this opportunity Rob! Exciting times are ahead for Aquaman, his supporting cast and the DCU, and I am super-jazzed to be a part of it! Viva El Hombre del Agua and Semper Aqua!
Thanks guys and congrats on getting "official" status! Aquaman needs all the positive promotion he can get as DC never really seems to do much on their own so the fans have to. :)
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