Today they published the results, and as you can see from the graphic above, Aquaman did very well. In fact, he came in fifth--out of all 52 titles--of the titles with the most "Absolutely" votes!
Go check out the entire poll, its sure to warm the bruised, kicked-around heart of every Aqua-Fan!
Coolbeanz! Nice to see Batwoman was just below Aquaman at #6 on the "Absolutely" column. And that he squarely kicked GA and Hawkman's asses. :)
Woohoo! Aquafans represent!
I also thought I'd faint when I saw that! #5?! Take that, all you "Talks to fish" jokesters!
I was disheartened, though, that except for Batwoman, EVERY title starring female and minority heroes were in the Not At All category. Some of them were REALLY trounced like Mr. Terrific and Static Shock. So that soured my happiness a bit.
Hell yes! Statistics never lie: Aquaman rocks :)
And if you are on twitter, please retweet our top 5 announcement and help us spread the word around the net and beyond!
I am actually planning to get all fifty-two #1s, so I voted based on my real interest in the series from Absolutely to Very Likely to just Likely. I am very excited for this series.
@Jason: Yeah, the lack of enthusiasm in non-Caucasian male heroes is a little disheartening. I for one am really intrigued by the Mister Terrific series. And I have a hunch Batgirl will be a big hit, too, once the instant backlash of Barbara no longer being wheelchair-bound Oracle subsides.
Not so sure I am happy about the new developments at DC. I mean, just what are they thinking? Have you seen the changes? I am not so sure this Aquaman will be any better than the recent mediocre attempts to write him.
- John the Aquaman Chronicler
Aquaman is one of my sure thing purchases, as well. It isn't just a matter of topping the chart, but of being one of the only books people want at all. Even Batwoman got hit with the backlash it likely could have sidestepped at an earlier release date. The fem/minority hate was pretty disgusting, especially against Mr. Terrific and Static (whose recent special was good stuff.) I was also pleased that Stormwatch was the least hated Wildstorm relaunch, with tepid fan interest. Given the circumstances, when even Perez on Superman gets a large scale pass, that's a relative victory.
Interesting observations about the minority-led books. I've personally never understood what Mt. Terrific does, altho his costumes keep getting better. And Static looked like it was geared towards kids.
I am, however, super pumped about them pushing Cyborg more into the limelight with Flashpoint and JLA.
And I can't wait to get my Brightest Day Aqualad figure. :)
Can it be?! We all saw what Johns & Reis did for Green Lantern. Could this finally be Aquaman's turn to shine?!
Oh, man... I'm super psyched! And by the looks of it, I'm not alone!
Also, for what little this may be worth, it's my understanding that MOST readers and voters at CBR tend to favor Marvel over DC. I base this on a lot of speculative evidence and bias, not any fact I can source right now, but that's how I've looked upon CBR for about two years now. If that's the case, the fact that almost every title is stacked with Not At All votes wouldn't mean a whole lot.
Hmph, Mr. Terrific was one of the few titles in this reboot-thing I was interested in. (As for what he does, I summed up what I could find here: http://www.anthonynotes.com/2011/06/09/minorities-in-comics-and-animation-mister-terrific-michael-holt/ ).
But yes, not surprised at the results, including seeing the war/horror books ranked that low. Still, it's those non-superhero books that should be marketed to the new readers (i.e. the general public) that DC's supposed to be trying to attract in all of this. Thus, maybe DC shouldn't be too worried about this (obviously unscientific) poll outcome, if the hardcore fans only seem to want mass quantities of repetitive, grim Batman stories (Batman apparently isn't changing one iota in this reboot, unsurprisingly)...
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