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Friday, May 20, 2011

Random Panel of the Day #159



Mr. Morbid's House Of Fun said...

That's actually kind of funny; funnier than the Office last night. What issue is this from?

Anonymous said...

It's an old Brave and the Bold from the early 70's. The second 100 page super-spectacular, if memory serves.

Viva Haney & Aparo!

James Chatterton

JD said...

No one can resist the power of the Dark Side, not even Aquaman! ;)

rob! said...

It's from Brave and the Bold #114.

You can always learn the source of the panel by command/right clicking the image, and the title and issue # are right before ".gif."

Joseph Brian Scott said...

Ha ha, this is great! The Bats of today is so self-important he'd never call out someone's name all panicky like that. And boy, cell phones sure have gotten smaller.

Aaron said...

Are you sure this was written by Bob Haney and not by Bob Newhart?

Anonymous said...

With Bob Haney, you're never sure of anything.

James Chatterton

Siskoid said...