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Friday, May 13, 2011

Aquaman by Buho Fogrupa

This interesting use of Aquaman art is by photographer and newest F.O.A.M.er Bohu Fogrupa, who hails from Brazil.

Bohu does a lot of nature photography, and is also a big Aquaman fan (he scuba dives, as well), so he combined this piece of art (from the cover of Brightest Day #2) with one of his beautiful photographs. Very unusual, and very cool--click the image to see a bigger version.

Thanks Bohu, and welcome to F.O.A.M.!


Orin's dad said...

Cool idea. I bet there are a lot of awesome poses that would work well with photos. I could see this turning into the next big thing for the Shrine. "Where's Aquaman?"

Wings1295 said...

This is great!

And the Shrine is back! Even better!

Brent said...

Thanks for the clickable, larger version! I don't know how much extra work that is, but my tired, old eyes find it very helpful! Especially for the RPOTD's with little, bitty type...