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I didn't realize the Atom was there for this adventure. That last panel was from his POV, right?On the plus side, at least Aquaman got a mention, even if it is just to teleport the rest of them up to the satellite.
Damn it, Supes again! Hopefully there will be a transporter malfunction and Supes will get lost in space and the rest of the Leaguers can beat up Vandal...well probably not, But it'd be nice. ;)
Maybe Aquaman is going to somehow help? Or he is already off fighting Savage on his own?
I've never felt closer to Supes than I do with today's strip.
wait, when did the Flash destroy the tornado machine? was that in a Saturday strip we missed? bummer.
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I didn't realize the Atom was there for this adventure. That last panel was from his POV, right?
On the plus side, at least Aquaman got a mention, even if it is just to teleport the rest of them up to the satellite.
Damn it, Supes again! Hopefully there will be a transporter malfunction and Supes will get lost in space and the rest of the Leaguers can beat up Vandal...well probably not, But it'd be nice. ;)
Maybe Aquaman is going to somehow help? Or he is already off fighting Savage on his own?
I've never felt closer to Supes than I do with today's strip.
wait, when did the Flash destroy the tornado machine? was that in a Saturday strip we missed? bummer.
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