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Monday, April 11, 2011

The World's Greatest Superheroes!



JD said...

Yeesh. Pasko didn't seem to understand the plural term "World's Greatest Super HeroeS" as Supes was his clear fave, maybe he should have just asked to write a Supes only strip.

Wings1295 said...

Supes even acknowledges the fact that the Flash was going to do this, but he just can't help himself from thunder-stealing!

rob! said...

FINALLY the Man of Steel gets something to do in this strip!

Russell said...

show off. :-P

Anthony said...

Pasko was already writing a "Supes-only strip," as one of the writers on the then-current line of Superman comic books. Guess that wasn't enough... ;-)

JD said...

Well he certainly had a one track mind then. ;)