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He's reached the water! He technically must be rescued be Aquaman now, right?
ugh, rescued BY Aquaman, maybe? ;)
He HAS to be rescued by Aquaman. But we all know it will be Supes, right?
Hmmm, who could possibly be strong enough to break through the ice, ignore the cold, and not have to worry about drowning?You should be filing these strips under Missed Opportunites, Rob.
This will be such a disappointment if it's Superman that saves Flash instead of Aquaman. Definitely a missed opportunity...
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He's reached the water! He technically must be rescued be Aquaman now, right?
ugh, rescued BY Aquaman, maybe? ;)
He HAS to be rescued by Aquaman. But we all know it will be Supes, right?
Hmmm, who could possibly be strong enough to break through the ice, ignore the cold, and not have to worry about drowning?
You should be filing these strips under Missed Opportunites, Rob.
This will be such a disappointment if it's Superman that saves Flash instead of Aquaman. Definitely a missed opportunity...
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