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Friday, April 01, 2011

The World's Greatest Superheroes!



Orin's dad said...

So, Superman has the power of a Dyson vaccuum cleaner? Bet that's helpful for getting the satellite ready for parties...

Wings1295 said...

Not going to go there, with the "super suction power". But I will shake my head. He has taken down another structure in Egypt. This time, to save his own life, so I will give that to him, but still. Nothing is safe around the Man of Steel, apparently.

Joseph Brian Scott said...

I like the drama of that 2nd panel. I'm kinda diggin' the Tuska art in the context of these small, packed panels in a way I never did on the comic book page.

JD said...

It's strange seeing the super-breath power in action, and it seems to be the least used Superman power, although this strip surprisingly shows it can be used effectively in the right scenario. As I don't read Superman often, has his super-breath been pretty much ignored in his comics?

Anthony said...

Superman's super-breath (and the related powers of suction-breath and freeze-breath) has been one of his powers in most incarnations, including in present-day comics. However, it's probably one of the least-often-seen powers nowadays (guess it's not as "realistic" or "impressive" as seeing him punch stuff).

Back when this strip was written (the Silver/Bronze Age), however, super-breath was more often used in various ways, including the super-suction ability seen here. (Superboy once used suction breath to pull his schoolbooks toward him vs picking them up physically, in a story about him having an argument with Ma and Pa about over-relying on his powers :-p ).

JD said...

I actually sort of like that idea of super heroes using their powers for mundane around the house type of stuff. Thanks for the info, Anthony!