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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Favorite Musical Artists

Aquaman and a host of other famous faces reveal their favorite musical artists in this cartoon by newest F.O.A.M.er Karl Heitmueller Jr. Thanks Karl!


Wings1295 said...

Hah! That's awesome!

Simone said...

Hahaha! Skeletor...

JD said...

Too cute! Great music to character matches. :)

matthew jones said...

Very cool indeed.

PinkButterfly said...

H.R. Pufnstuf! Remember the Bugaloos?

John said...

>Sigh< Yes, the Bugaloos...my partner has a Japanese import CD of their music and I am forced to listen to it every now and then. Talk about an earworm...

And, finally, I submit--I don't get the Bullwinkle/Leonard Bernstein connection.

Unknown said...

Welcome to FOAM, Karl!

Pops Gustav said...

Thanks Rob, for posting my piece... as for Bullwinkle's musical taste, there's no thematic connection, it just felt right to me... and I think it's funny to imagine Bullwinkle's voice saying Leonard Bernstein's name. Go ahead, try it! Hee!