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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Breaking News: New Aquaman Book!

sg Breaking news from this weekend's MegaCon: Geoff Johns announces he will be writing a new Aquaman book!

Update: I didn't know that if you don't have a Twitter account you can't follow the above link. So here are the two tweets the Shrine is responding to:

FFFComics Famous Faces Funnies
Official Geoff Johns to write Aquaman ongoing series starting after Brightest Day. #Megacon

acomicbookblog A COMIC BOOK BLOG
Geoff Johns on two new monthly series. One is...Aquaman! #MegaCon

The Shrine will obviously be following this news closely and if we get more and/or official confirmation it will be posted here!


Wings1295 said...

Wahoo! Great news indeed!

David J. Cutler said...

Never ever been more happy to be wrong! :)

JD said...

About time they announced this! Now if only they would promote it by say finally releasing a TPB with Aquaman vol.1 40-56 to accompany the upcoming Death Of A Prince one. Oh, wait, that would be too much like a marketing strategy to get newer readers familiar with the Aqua-family! DC: please hire someone from Marvel to help your company better understand reader-friendly comic book publishing and promotion.

Brent said...

Holy Carp, that's exciting news!

Jason Fetterley said...


Joe Tages said...

With the new Aquaman Family established in Brightest Day, I look forward to a new era. Geoff can certainly do characterization but I hope Arthur gets his hand back by then!

Rock Roche said...

I can't wait! But I need to hear who the artist is... hopefully Ivan Reis...

Anonymous said...

Did my comment here get deleted? Wow.