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Monday, February 21, 2011

The World's Greatest Superheroes!



r duncan said...

I don't think I like that last panel. ("Why me?")

Simone said...

Yeah, the placement of the "Why me?" bubble is a little confusing.

rob! said...


You won't like tomorrow's strip, I guarantee.

Aaron said...

Maybe the other heroes got mad that Aquaman questioned the internal logic of the comic strip?

Joseph Brian Scott said...

What?! A-man's gettin' sidelined already? That's an outrageous outrage. Fish dudes don't get no respect in the funnypapers. This is why they shouldn't bust up the Unions.

Shellhead said...

Remember this was during the height of the Superfriends era. You are seeing the cause of the "Aquaman is lame" stereotype unfold right before your eyes.

Wings1295 said...

Ghost Who Blogs nailed it. Aquaman questioned the wackiness of Savage telling us the deal beforehand and WW got all pissed off.

Russell said...

...and yet, Aquaman turns out to be right after all. Just keep reading. :-)